Friday, March 3, 2017

Will You Pray?

The package arrived today, and I was excited. I opened it and took out the pieces, remembering when I ordered each one. Then I picked up my favorite.

It. was. beautiful.

Too eager to wait on my gifted photographer husband to take a professional image, I set up a few things to take a simple photo with my phone. It gave me time to touch each strand, each bead, and run my fingers along the wire carefully wrapped around the brass bars.

Then I tried to see her face. 

Whose face?


I don't know her personally, but I can picture her. She lives in India, so she has dark hair, dark skin, and deep brown eyes. She is fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator who calls her beautiful. Her eyes have seen horrors I canNOT imagine. Her body has been subjected to cruelties we wouldn't want mentioned. 

And then I began to pray. I asked the LORD to heal the scars left behind from the time she was a victim of the sex/slave industry. I asked him to restore the years the locusts have eaten and renew her spirit. I prayed that she knows the love of JESUS.

Since opening Josiah's Blessings, it has been our desire to encourage others and bring glory to the Father, to focus on ministry more than business. I have prayed many times for the ministries our business supports, but it felt so much more personal today. 

There are several products in our store that have signatures on the tags. I plan to begin praying specifically for individuals asking the Father to break my heart with the things that break his.

So, today, will you join me? Will you, too, pray for Jobina? Will you share the work of organizations like Eden Ministries, Rahab's Rope, Purpose Jewelry, and the International Justice Mission? Will you ask the LORD how you can become more involved in the fight against modern day slavery?

The necklace above is from Purpose Jewelry .The proceeds form the sale of Purpose Jewelry go to iSanctuary, providing care and employment for survivors of trafficking and sex slavery. You can purchase it and many more items that can impact the world at Josiah's Blessings in Blackshear, GA.

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